
1966 Born in Germany (Bielefeld) as oldest daughter of the Artist Erich Engelbrecht (1927-2011)

1984 – 1986 Architecture Studies at the university RWTH Aachen

1984 – 1987 Art Agent – Regular Work Trips to New York, Paris, Berlin and Munich, sales of modern art and exhibitions at Collectors Homes

1987 Event management – Organisation of a big Solo Exhibition – Installation, Inauguration, Advertisement. in the famous “Galerie Bernheim-Jeune” in Paris who made the first Van Gogh Exhibition worldwide and represented some of the most famous classic modern artists.

1987 – 1988 Furniture Design – Manufacture and Marketing of artistic furniture

1989 – 1990 Translation – American Short Stories and Books into German, Fischer Verlag München

1992 – 1996 Editor and deputy department head – Heinrich Bauer Edition, Hamburg

1995 Independent Editor within the monthly newsletter “Placements” of FO’KO – Forum für kulturelle Kooperation in Hamburg

1996 – 1997 Gallery Owner of a small art-gallery in Hamburg, Palmaille 122

1997 Event Management – Organisation of two Outdoor Sculpture Exhibitions, on a golf-course next to Hamburg and in Front of the Town Hall in Hamburg Altona in cooperation with the local district office: Installation – Inauguration – Publication – Sponsoring

1999 – 2012 Editor within weekly Newsletters about the financial markets for X-Ray Market Analysis

Tests with historical, nicotine-free tobacco varieties and nicotine-free herbal tobacco in addiction recovery

2004 Publication of the Book “Leben ohne Niktoin” presenting an innovative method to quit with the help of nicotine-free cigarettes, Re-Edition in 2018  ·  ISBN-10 : 3833419539

Further follow-up publications on the same topic

2008 – 2015 Independent Writer and Musician within the Rock-Band “Fougis Bergère”, realisation of concerts and cultural events in France, own independent recording studio –

2013 Preparation of Participation on a sculpture exhibition in the french Sologne Preparatory discussions with the directors, organization of the sculpture transport, public relations, sales discussions…

2016 (to present) Managing Director for real estate, agricultural matters and site visits, SCI Les Fougis, France – 16th Century Rennaissance Castle with Modern Sculpture Parc.

2018 Design and Publication of a Childrens Book about the topic of Dementia within families “Die blaue Kette” ·  ISBN-10 : 3746091780  – together with the author Domenica Engelbrecht

2019 Publication of a novel as self-publisher (anonymous/ pseudonym)

2020 Publication of a new game: “Ghostwriter”

Website “Ghostwriter”

Since 2014 Continued Product Development – Design, Research, Testing, Marketing, online-publishing, website-programming within own enterprise, located in France –

Since 2022 – Continued Research about new applications of raw sheep wool in agriculture –